Jan 6, 2015

Top 10 Bible Studies of 2014

The start of the new year is a time of reflection on the previous year and goal setting for the new year. It’s also a great time to institute new habits like studying the bible! Here are some fresh new studies that can help you and/or your small group institute a regular study of the scriptures.

1. Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey

2. Before Amen by Max Lucado

3. How to be Rich by Andy Stanley

4. The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst

5. Children of the Day by Beth Moore

6. Simplify by Bill Hybels

7. You'll Get Through This by Max Lucado

8. Follow by Andy Stanley

9. Breathe by Priscilla Shirer

10. God's Not Dead by Rice Broocks

You can find specific studies for men or women groups, and couple groups. Or check out or previous best studies from 2013 and 2012